Norwich Cycling Campaign are opposed to the plans to build the
Norwich Western link road.
Road building of this type is always detrimental to Cycling, especially when fast dual carriageways sever existing quiet roads connecting the city to the surrounding countryside.
Also because this road will enable the development of suburban sprawl around the north-west of Norwich and that will increase car dependency.
Notwithstanding this we will continue to engage with Norfolk County Council and Highways England in trying to secure excellent provision for cyclists on and around the Western Link road, if it is ever built.
Our formal objection to the scheme will be that the plans do not meet the requirements of Government policy as set out in:
1. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges)
A number of new and revised documents in the DMRB series, relevant to walking and cycling, published 2019-2020.
2. Gear Change - This important Government policy document was published in July 2020.
3. Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 1/20 - This document, published July 2020, sets out in detail design requirements for walking and cycling facilities.