There are better, cheaper alternatives to the
Norwich Western Link

Improve the B1535
This is the existing HGV route. Even if the NWL were built, many HGVs would still have to use it to get to industrial destinations in Hockering - improvements are needed anyway. To straighten, widen (not dual) and build better junctions to the A1067 and A47 would cost less than a new dual carriageway.
Get some good bus services
No bus service crosses the Wensum Valley, yet around 12,000 cars make the two-way journey each day. It would cost very little to try out some services from Dereham, Fakenham, Wymondham, Costessey and Taverham (for example) to the main destinations such as the Airport and its industrial estates, N & N hospital etc.
There is no outer-ring bus service in Norwich. This could link arterial services to anywhere in the outer part of Norwich. Inner-ring and Greater-ring services are also needed. These would be much quicker and cheaper to deliver than building a new road.

Fund better walking and cycling routes
It is notoriously difficult to walk or cycle around this part of outer Norwich, with pedestrians and cyclists coming into conflict with vehicles on the existing narrow roads. The Marriott’s Way is a great example of a well-used pedestrian and cycle route safe from traffic.
Existing footpaths and rights of way could be upgraded and better sign-posted to allow more frequent and easier, sustainable travel options. Additionally, many of the narrow roads in the area do not have footpaths or cycle lanes.
Adding shared, or separated, footpaths and cycleways beside existing roads would again provide safe passage around outer Norwich and towards/out of the city for pedestrians and cyclists. As well as providing more connectivity across the west of Norwich and its outlying suburbs and villages, it would help ease current traffic and pollution.
Protect the villages
Cross-valley traffic is a major nuisance for Lyng, Weston Longville, Ringland, Taverham and Costessey. As well as providing attractive bus alternatives, we need to make it more difficult for cars to use these routes. We need to look at better signage, vehicle restrictions, number-plate recognition, bus-operated gates, and more.