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Norfolk County Council wants to build a 3.9 mile "Norwich Western Link" across the ecologically rich Wensum Valley at a cost of at least £274m.

We are ecologists, businesses, doctors, scientists, wildlife-lovers, parents and artists who want to save the Wensum Valley.


Norfolk County Council has paused work on the scheme - seemingly finally realising there's no chance of it passing environmental law.
The PM says a decision will be made next year.

Can you help us get this expensive, ecocidal road stopped for good?

Write to your MP (search with your postcode)
                heidi,   (DfT)

Try to write in your own words, but here is something to cut & paste

Make sure you include your name and address

Spread the word - together we can
Stop the Wensum Link!

* If you don't receive a confirmation email, please check your spam box

Why the Norwich Western Link is the wrong solution

  • Cost
    £70m a mile and rising.

  • Traffic
    Norfolk County Council predict that traffic would still increase in some areas near the proposed Western Link.
    No affect on ambulance response times - hospital handover waits are the problem.

  • Carbon Emissions
    Building new roads increases CO2 emissions during construction and by creating more car dependency

  • Ecology
    The Wensum Valley is home to more than 60 protected species in ancient woodland and a rare chalk stream. A new road here will destroy it's unique ecology.

Please visit the websites of our supporters

Beryl bike share Logo

beryl the bike-share provider in Norwich is pleased to support our surveyors carry out their crucial work by providing access to their bikes and eBikes.

Lush Logo -  Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

© 2019 Stop The Wensum Link.

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